Friday, April 3, 2009

It could always be worse.

One of the things that I love about being a nurse is the fact that you will always see someone who is worse off than you. As I have been sitting here these past couple of days feeling sorry for myself and the fact that I may not be able to fulfill the one dream I have had for as long as I can remember I realize that there are those out there that have it so much worse off than I do. I have seen several blogs that include a few thing that we are grateful for and that is something that is very grounding. It really helps to put things in perspective. So I too will join the masses and quickly mention what I am grateful for.

  1. Life - The fact that I woke up today is definitely something that I thank God for.
  2. Love - The ability to experience the love of family, friends and my husband. There are so many out there who do not speak to their family members and have no one to call on in time of need.
  3. Employment - I am so grateful to work in a profession that provides job security and a pretty decent income.
  4. Home - A roof over my head; pretty much goes without saying.
  5. Lady & Missy - Silly as it sounds, my dogs have been such a source of strength and encouragement for me over the years. They are so ignorant of the stress in the world that I often can just look and them and feel better when I am blue. They truely live the life!

On another note, I wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome and comments. I started blogging just because I have so much in my mind and in my heart and I do not think that there is anyone who would understand what I am feeling right now. I am so relived to know that I am not alone and that there are others out there in the same boat who do understand where I am coming from. It has also lifted my spirits to see the various paths that everyone has taken to realize their dreams and fight the IF battle. I am still a little bumed, but no longer as blue and I have my fellow bloggers to thank for that.


  1. Welcome and congrats on starting the blog. You're right, it could be worse, but it still *sucks*.

    I just read your HSG post... I was suppose to have one a couple of months ago, but it got canceled due to a cyst and now it's on for Monday. Luckily, I had surgery a couple of weeks ago and have a mighty supply of pain meds left over that I intend to take. I told my doc and he's ok with me doing that but he really doesn't think it will hurt that bad and I shouldn't worry about it... I have some IRL friends that had their done and reported that they cried/screamed out in pain and they didn't even have blocked tubes, and their drs. never warned them either.

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere...sorry you're here under these circumstances. If you ever have any them. This community is an amazing resource!

  3. Hey, welcome to the blogoshere! I just found your blog. I am a nurse too, so I understand about seeing someone worse off than you. My problem was, I work in L&D. Imagine, having a miscarraige and having to go back to work(birthing babies) the day after you find out?
    Anyway. Sorry you have to join us under these circumstances. But we are here to support each other! Welcome!

  4. Welcome!! It indeed does suck that you're here of course, but you'll find lots of love and support in these circles. I'm glad to see you seem to have a plan and an optimistic outlook. Good luck with everything!
